Monday, April 4, 2011

Our first home cooked meal

Last night, I prepared our first home-cooked meal. That was after 4 days of eating out, lunch and dinner. I don't think I've ever eaten out that many times in a row. Even on holidays, we'd prepare our own food.

It was an interesting process. I had to buy a new frying pan first, as the one in the apartment was flaking teflon. I also found a disgusting looking rice cooker, which cleaned up ok. I don't think the last occupant of this apartment used it at all.

Then I braved the grocery store.  All the vegetables were so expensive, and most of them I didn't know how to cook with, so I ended up circling the vegetable section 4 times, and then buying only a few anyway. I made a mostly cabbage based stir fry - with no oven and hardly any utensils, it seemed like a good starting point. Now I understand why cabbage was just about the only vegetable they fed us when I was boarding at Reitaku, everything else is so expensive. Anyway, we both felt much better for eating a meal that wasn't deep fried.

Now I just need to figure out how to cook with Japanese vegetables.

1 comment:

  1. Good on you Luce for trying!I know the pain of having no utensils to cook with, but dont worry it wont take you long to learn the way of substituting and compromise!
