Saturday, April 9, 2011

A note about busses in Japan

We caught a number of buses today on our way around Kyoto, and they were all ridiculously overheated, with the first one being downright awful. By this, I mean that outside I had a jumper and coat on, and then on the bus I was down to jeans and t-shirt, and feeling nauseous from the stuffy heat on the bus. Apparently regulations are that you have to heat to 27 or 28 degrees between certain dates. Rather ridiculous... Most of the Japanese still had coats on, although a couple near us (we were standing in the aisle) opened windows, which we thanked them profusely for.

As an aside, on the way back to the train station, a Japanese lady struck up a conversation with Andrea about a pretty flower she had picked, and after we had all practiced our Japanese on her (she was harder than average to understand, but it was a fun way to pass the trip), she fished a packet of green tea flavoured crackers out of her bag and gave them to Andrea. That's the second time we've been given food by a talkative stranger.

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