Sunday, April 17, 2011

I have a new bike

Today I bought myself a new bike. It was a fairly cheap one, but a step up from the baseline model. A quick summary of the advantages:
  • The brakes on the new bike don't screech
  • The brakes on the new bike are effective and allow me to stop in a relatively short distance
  • The new bike doesn't rattle constantly as it is being ridden
  • The new bike has 6 gears. The old one had 1.
  • The new bike has baskets front and back, the old one had a basket only on the front. This is significant, as everything we buy has to be carried on the bike.
  • The new bike is pretty, green, and doesn't have any rust
  • The lock on the new bike is easy to operate and doesn't jam
Old bike (mis) used by several previous AETs
New bike!
 After buying the bike, Hunter and I spent most of the day riding around Takatsuki trying to locate our schools so we don't get lost trying to get there in the mornings this coming week. Having ridden up a few of those hills before, I must say that having a few gears makes a huge difference!

We think we rode about 30km today, but thanks to Hunty's patient assistance, I now feel that even with my awful sense of direction, I should be able to navigate to the necessary locations.

1 comment:

  1. I know a thing or two about fixing up a bike. the brakes I could have fixed, the rattling, maybe. The gears I would need my brother's help with, and new gears to put on. But it sounds like the upgrade was worth it.
