Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The downside of my new bike

The downside of my new bike, as I discovered in the past two days, is that it's a bike. I don't really mind the lack of motor, I'm quite enjoying the excercise. The promlem is the lack of roof. The past two day it has been raining on the way home, which is decidedly unpleasant, even in my very sexy rain suit.

However, the forecast for tomorrow does not include rain, so hopefully tomorrow's cycling will be more pleasant.


  1. You look like part of the NASA space program... hehe you should decorate your coat

  2. man, I'm glad I don't look like that in my rain gear. :P I think it looks more like a hazmat suit. Maybe you should paint it bright yellow and wear a gas mask. Then you would attract attention.

  3. You are soooo sexy in that!!!
    Wow! ;)
