Friday, March 30, 2012

Quck status update

I still have some catch-up posts to do about the things we've been up to in the past two weeks, but I'll just fill you in with some up-to-date information.

Penny, the new AET who will be living our apartment arrived last night. The apartment is stripped of anything ours, and we are fully packed except the things that we are still using: clothing for tonight, tomorrow, and laptops.

For the past few days I have been alternating between running around over-managing all the preparations to leave and driving Hunty crazy, and getting all sad about leaving Japan, also driving Hunty crazy.

We had a dinner with one of my teachers last night, and lunch with Dave (our supervisor) and his wife Mariko today. Farewells are all done now, except to other AETs.

We just have a few minor tasks left, and we will be ready to leave tomorrow afternoon, although there's probably going to be a bit more of me driving Hunty crazy between now and then.

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