Friday, March 2, 2012

A month of kyushoku - part 4

More mouth-watering food photos...

20 February

The purple thing next to the breadroll is sweet potato, which was not bad. The soup was fine, and by now I've adjusted to eating cold omelette, and enjoyed that too.

Rating: 4/5

21 February
Apple jam! I love getting jam. There was also hashed beef in tomato sauce (think baked beans/tinned spaghetti style sauce), and weird but edible salad.

Rating: 5/5

22 February
The soup was ok but had little substance. The rice had wheat grains mixed in with it, which is neither here nor there. The chicken was marinated in miso, which to my pleasant tasted fine. The vegetables next to the chicken were terrible, and left a blackish purple residue on the plate.

Rating: 3/5

23 February
Curry udon! Nothing beats curry udon except maybe curry rice. Curry is the best thing the school kitchens can turn out. Even the mung bean fry side was good (for mung beans)

Rating: 5/5

24 February
Wheat grains mixed with the rice, miso soup, a hamburgu  (meat patty), and vegetables destroyed by being both overcooked and mixed with bonito (dried fish) flakes. I can eat miso if I have to, but school kitchen miso is not pleasant. The meat patty was good though, and the rice was safe.

Rating: 3/5

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