Friday, March 9, 2012


All year, we've been sharing one Internet connection between the five apartments at Sky Heights. This has worked really well. Japanese Internet speeds are better than Aussie speeds, even when shared among five apartments, there is no download limit, and we've had Internet very cheaply as a result. However, Adam, who had the Internet connection coming into his apartment moved out at the end of February, and a few days later his Internet was disconnected. Chris, who is staying on next year, was organized to have Internet set up in his apartment. It was supposed to be connected before Adam's was disconnected. It wasn't. It seems like telcos are the same the world over. Last night, Chris finally got a date for connection. The 26th. We are all extremely frustrated.

I am currently using the Internet at school, as I have a spare period, and as it's my last day, I don't exactly have preparations to do for next time. However, updates may be a bit sporadic over the next couple of weeks, and if you send me an e-mail, don't be surprised if I take a few days to respond.

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