Wednesday, February 29, 2012

First last

Yesterday was the first of my last days at a school. Yesterday was my last day at Makami. I've just read over my first impressions of the school. They were apt. I commented on doing 6 lessons in a day. I did indeed to 6 lessons on almost all days at Makami, and they were indeed exhausting. However, it was still a great school. Of all my schools, Makami had the best average behaviour. They were my best 6s, and I had some awesome 5s too, as well as one year 5 class that was a little more difficult, but not too bad. The little kids rarely saw me, but were lovely and always wanted to say hi.

I felt really sad saying goodbye to the kids after our final lessons. In one class, a girl stuck paper tears onto her face to show me how sad she was too. We played games and had fun since it was the last lesson.

Then, after the usual 6 lessons, it was time to say goodbye to the teachers. That was also really hard, as again, I had the best average working relationship with the teachers. I got on really well with all the teachers, and we had some fun times, in the classroom and out. One of them is coming to Australia (Perth) for a year, so I'm hoping I'll be able to catch up with her when she comes to check out the East coast.  Also, there were so many other teachers at that school who always wanted a chat, and were interested in what I was doing.

The principal was taken by surprise, he didn't realise it was my last day, and made me make a speech just after 5, which was when he found out. I only managed to stumble out a couple of lines before excusing myself, I was feeling pretty teary. Then I chased down each of my homeroom teachers for a culturally questionable (but in my mind absolutely necessary hug), and just walked out waving and saying goodbye, with everyone waving back really enthusiastically. I managed to make my way out of the room, before bursting into tears.

Next week I've got to do this another four times. It's going to be hard.

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